Hellfire · The Chilimaster’s Private Reserve

CHF 15.90

Hotness scale 1.5 / 8

SKU: HE011 Categories: , Tags: ,


When Hellfire work on a new hot sauce, it’s always with prizes and distinctions ! This time, the Chilimaster’s Private Reserve is a new winner of the Chili Awards.
It combines the flavors of the smoked Habanero chili, the infused bourbon in a Chipotle sauce and a great mix of fruits and spices.
In its elegant flask of 200 ml, this succulent recipe match perfectly as dip sauce as well as barbecue sauce. Do not be afraid, it is not so spicy but rich in flavors.

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bourbon, curry powder, smoked Habanero, allspice, brown sugar, chipotle, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, distilled vinegar, garlic, ginger, mandarin, mango, molasse, papaya, peach, pineapple, sugar, vanilla extract, water


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