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Blair’s • Salsa de la Muerte

CHF 14.50

hotness scale 3

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SKU: bl007 Category:


Salsa De La Muerte is a Blair’s brand hot sauce, developed specifically for Mexicans and Chiliheads (inevitably with such a name …) With a taste close to the Original Death, Salsa De La Muerte also contains Cayenne pepper and coriander, but spicier. Namely, twice the Habanero for two times more heat. Fruity and hot, she would approach 45,000 scoville units. Ideally, add it to your tacos, fajitas, chili con carne or any other Mexican recipes.

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allspice, Cayenne pepper, chipotle, coriander, fresh herbs, garlic, Habanero pepper, lime juice, vinegar


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