Cajohns · El Chupacabra

CHF 22.95



El Chupacabra is a legendary monster from Latin America. Some parents used to force their children to finish their plate to prevent the arrival of this evil creature…
To represent this monster, Cajohns find funny to create an explosive cocktail of chili such as the Ghost Pepper, the 7 Pod and the Scorpio which easily exceed the million Scovilles to continue to scare older children. This hot mixture is a little bit sweetened with carrot and onion, but the mustard tip brings a powerful character in this recipe.
This sauce is only for experienced chili heads who are ready to get a kick.
vegansenza glutine

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7 Pod Pepper, allspice, carrot, distilled vinegar, garlic, Ghost Pepper, mustard, onion, paprika, salt, Scotch Bonnet Pepper, trinidad moruga scorpion pepper, turmeric


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