Crazy Bastard Sauce • Trinidad Scorpion & Clementine

CHF 10.95

hotness scale 5

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The “Trinidad Scorpion & Clementine” Crazy Bastard Sauce is the front kick of the brand. Both fruity and refreshing with clementine, this sauce does not let itself easily eaten though, and that, because of the Trinidad Scorpion, one of the hottest peppers in the world. A breath away but delicious recipe that is perfect with chicken wings, vegetable salads and even fruit salads !
This German hot sauce which strongly approach chilli puree need to be used sparingly.
vegangluten free

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apple, Bell Pepper, clementine, garlic, jalapeno pepper, lime juice, olive oil, onion, salt, Scorpion Chili Pepper, white wine vinegar


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