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HotSauce · Dried Cascabel Pepper

CHF 9.90

hotness scale 0.5

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This dried, extremely sweet (even more than a Jalapeno) and fruity chili pepper is given to children in Mexico to accustom them to the spicy taste. It is often used when mixing different chilies to make hot sauces but can also be roughly crumbled to make crumbs.
It is recommended to take the necessary time to rehydrate it. In fact, this chilli pepper requires a long soaking period.
With its bumping grains, Cascabel chili is easily recognized by that maracas noise when shaken (which is fun but useless). It is also distinguished from other chilies by its woody taste and its note of hazelnuts.
It is also called Coban in Guatemala, Chile Bola in Mexico or “small round chilli” in Switzerland…

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