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Mic’s Chilli · DamnHot Wings

CHF 11.95

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We take you on a journey with Irish Mic’s Chilli’s DamnHot Wings. We start first in Wicklow, Ireland, in the secret fortress where all the brand’s explosively and fiendishly delicious recipes are prepared. Then we go through Mexico thanks to the red Jalapeño and its sour flavor then we head to India with the spicy Naga ” Ghost ” to finally send your taste buds and palate to the land of happiness and gluttony with just the right amount of pineapple and lemon juice. This sauce is a truly balanced and bold culinary experience.

vegan gluten free

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allspice, garlic, jalapeno pepper, lemon juice, naga chilli mix, pineapple, sunflower oil, tomato, vinegar, xanthan gum




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