Pot Uno’s Infamous Hotsauce • Assbuster

CHF 16.80

hotness scale 6

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SKU: PU001 Category:


The first real Bhut Jolokia hot sauce that comes from Switzerland !
100% natural, the Assbuster (yes a poet, again) from Pot Uno’s Infamous Hotsauce brand comes from the canton of Solothurn. With a good dose of Ghost Pepper, tomato and mango tip, this sauce that rocks is as good as cook as to use directly into your meals (if your mouth is ready for it of course).
Yep, you have the right to be surprised, Petit-Suisse do not just chocolate and cheese in the kitchen.
vegangluten free

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fennel, Ghost Pepper, mango, oregano, salt, tomato, turmeric, vinegar, water


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