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Psycho Mayo · Ghost Pepper

CHF 15.50

hotness scale 4

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SKU: PJ034 Category:


As you know, almost all hot sauces are able to be diluted very well in mayonnaise. It helps to lower the heat in case of an accident, which happens… relatively often. But this is not a reason to lower the capsaicin quantity you eat ! I do not say that for you, but for your guests. I see them, use the mayonnaise when, to get a beer, you’ve got your head in the fridge.
But what to do will you say to me? Well Psycho Juice offers you here the solution: a mayonnaise that rocks !
Based on Ghost and Chipotle, this “Psychonnaise” – yes, if the Vegans have the right to say “Vegannaise”, the hell I can say “Psychonnaise” ! – will dispel the last ray of hope in your guests’ eyes. And you see, this is really priceless.

vegetariangluten free

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250 g


pasteurised free range egg yolk, white wine, ascorbic acid, cane vinegar, chipotle, garlic, garlic pulp, Ghost Pepper, lemon juice, mustard, onion, rapeseed oil, salt, spirit vinegar, sugar, water, xanthan gum


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